So, once we returned back to Cleveland after spending Christmas and New Years in Prince George and Vancouver, we started searching hard for a puppy to join the family. We searched a lot on, visited a local branch of the SPCA, and finally found the right pup at the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter.
When we found him, he was 8 weeks old, and had been abandoned with his brothers and sisters in a shed. Some of the litter died, and only three boys survived. He's part German Shepherd, and part.... mystery dog. They don't know what he's crossed with, but they think possibly a Newfoundland or an Norwegian Elkhound. Whatever the mix is, he's cute! We had to wait a week before we could take him him (just in case the jerk that abandoned him came back to claim him), and on January 13, we officially became proud dog owners. We named him Hawksley.
It's been a pretty eventful three weeks since we got him. When he's not sleeping (which thankfully he does a fair amount), he's tearing around the house, biting us, chewing on things, and most of all, peeing, peeing and peeing. We've got him going outside most of the time now, but he still has some pee accidents inside and some other indoor pees which we're pretty sure he does just out of spite. Despite this, we love him a lot and are really happy we got him. He starts obedience class in just over a week, so hopefully he'll be a little better behaved real soon.